• How Can You Minimize Complications Of Laser Cataract Surgery?

    If you suffer from cataracts that are beginning to affect your daily vision, you may be researching your surgical treatment options. Laser cataract surgery offers tremendous advantages over traditional scalpel surgery when it comes to precision, cost, and healing time -- but like any type of surgery, it is not without potential complications. However, by taking a few preventive measures before surgery and while recovering, you can significantly minimize your odds of developing any complications that may slow your healing time.

  • Avoiding Common Causes Of Hearing Loss

    Hearing loss is a problem that is often associated with the aging process. However, while it is true that growing older can result in gradual hearing loss, the fact is, this is a problem that can occur at any age. Many factors can contribute to the damaging of the cochlea, the part of your inner ear that is responsible for transmitted audio information to the brain. Thankfully, some of the most common causes of hearing loss can be avoided.

  • Postpartum Recovery With Multiple Children

    If you are expecting a baby and you already have one or more, you know your recovery is going to be different following your first baby.  Remember how you could sleep all day when the baby slept?  Remember all those hours smiling at your sweetie's chubby cheeks and smooth skin?  It seemed you had all the time in the world to cherish every moment with your new baby as you recovered from childbirth.

  • Maintain A Bright Smile With Clean Hardware - Cleaning Your Invisible Braces

    Many people go through their daily routines with a lack of self confidence that can be attributed to poor dental health. Thankfully, there are now solutions that can make your teeth healthy and strong while simultaneously being subtle and hard to detect. Invisible braces are at the top of the list of these solutions, and if you've chosen to go down that road, you need to be sure to take care of them.

  • How To Provide 24 Hour Patient Care In A Small Medical Practice

    It can be difficult for a small medical practice to provide immediate, 24 hour care for their patients. A medical answering service is the solution to this challenge, allowing your physicians to enjoy their time off while still making sure they are available for when a patient needs them most. Learn how to choose the best services for your specific needs: Choose the Right Answering Service Answering services fall into one of two categories – live or message based.