If you have been paying any attention at all to birth control options, you know how effective the birth control pill is. Now that women can obtain birth control pills without a prescription at pharmacies in Oregon and California, women are growing increasing curious about their own birth control options. The more women are interested in birth control pills, the more commonly you will see clinical research performed by companies like Quintiles on new varieties, and the more women will consider shifting between IUDs and birth control pills.
Which type of contraception is easier to get?
This one depends entirely on where you live. If you are in Oregon or California, getting the pill could be as easy as heading over to your local pharmacy and filling out a questionnaire. On the other hand, the IUD can only be inserted by a medical professional. It may be more expensive as well.
Which type of contraception is more comfortable?
Every woman is different, and this is something that only a doctor can help you determine. Many women find it uncomfortable to have an IUD because it can cause irregular bleeding. On the other hand, some women do not experience a regular period at all with the IUD inserted. It is important to bring up any concerns you may have to your doctor.
Which type of contraception is more painful?
Obviously, the pill is much less painful, considering that it does not have to be inserted. On the other hand, some women experience more cramping when they are on the pill. Some women feel discomfort caused by an IUD. Again, every woman has a different experience with contraception.
Which type of contraception is more reliable?
This is a tricky question. The birth control pill is incredibly reliable if you take it at the same time every day. Unfortunately, failing to take the pill regularly can lead to pregnancy. The IUD is consistent on its own. This means that if you are somebody who is very forgetful or not on a solid routine, the pill may not be the best option for you.
Which type of contraception is more carefree?
If you do not want to take a pill every day, the IUD could be a better choice for you. Some devices can last up to 12 years. If longevity is important to you, it is important that you bring up concerns to your doctor.
Obviously, each woman will have different experiences with birth control. If the pill does not seem to be working for you, there is always the IUD as a backup method. The same is true vice versa.