• Treatment Tips If Your Child Has an Eating Disorder

    If your child has an eating disorder, you might be going through a very difficult time and not know what to do. Here are some treatment tips to get you started. 1. Take Your Child in for a Full Checkup Depending on how long your child has been engaging in eating-disordered behaviors, he or she might have done some damage to his or her body. If your child is a girl and has lost so much weight that her period has stopped, then she might have developed osteoporosis.

  • Laser Body Sculpting: Myths Busted -- Get The Facts

    Non-surgical methods of body contouring are on the rise now more than ever. If you're like most consumers, the idea of non-invasive body augmentation with zero downtime is appealing. Laser body sculpting offers just that. It involves targeting stubborn areas of fat with low-level lasers to essentially melt the fat under your skin. Once the fat cells collapse, your body's natural filter system removes them. If you're considering this exciting new procedure, here's what you need to know.

  • What Can You Do About Occupational Asthma?

    Occupational asthma, or work-related asthma, is a controllable condition that is the result of being exposed to certain chemicals or substances. The reaction you could experience from exposure to the allergen can vary. If you suspect that you have occupational asthma, here is what you need to know.  What Type of Reaction Can You Have? Occupational asthma can manifest in various ways, including an allergic reaction. An allergic reaction can include shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, and eye irritation.

  • Use These Points To Convince Your Boss To Organize Yoga Classes At Work

    If you enjoy taking yoga classes during your spare time and you believe that this experience could benefit those with whom you work, it's worthwhile to talk to your boss about bringing in a yoga instructor to teach a class once per week or once every couple weeks. Many businesses are moving in this direction, offering wellness-related programs for the physical and emotional betterment of their employees, and talking to your boss can open the door to such a program at your work, too.

  • The Writer's Handy Massage Guide

    Being a writer is a job that some people dream of achieving their whole lives—and while it's fulfilling to do something you love (and more fulfilling to be able to make a career out of it), spending all day typing away at your latest manuscript can cause some serious hand damage. But you have to type (or write by hand) for your job—so what are you to do? If you're looking for a few hand massages that you can do yourself from the comfort of your own home, then here are a few that you should know about.