Whether you have your children covered through CHP Vision or another program, there are things you are going to want to make sure you do to ensure that you are helping your child to have the best vision possible. Here are some of the things you are going to want to make sure you keep in mind when it comes to the vision care of your child.
Pay attention to the signs of vision issues
One of the things that you need to do as a parent of a young child is to make sure that you know about the different signs that can indicate that they may have problems with their vision. If you notice or are made aware of any of these signs, then schedule them an eye appointment, even if it hasn't been very long since their last one. Some of the signs of possible vision problems in children include:
Make sure they get their vision checked routinely
Most school-aged children should have their eyes checked once every couple of years or sooner if the optometrist has suggested it. You want to make sure you have your child in for their eye exams as suggested. This is going to be the best way for you to make sure their vision is good or to get them in glasses if they need them.
Have their eyes examined for other reasons
If you see that your child's eyes are looking red often or that they seem to always be scratching them, then this would be another reason to have their eyes looked at. The optometrist may find they have an issue like dry eyes and want them to use specific eye drops. You should also bring your child in to have their eyes looked at if they have had any type of injury to either of their eyes. Even a very small scratch to the eye can cause problems that you will want to make sure that you have properly treated in a prompt manner. It's always best for you to make sure you are cautious and let the optometrist be the one to tell you whether there is something that must be treated or not.